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We believe every client should be aware of their rights and should be encouraged and empowered to pursue these rights. That is what we stand for.

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Who is the best divorce lawyer in Atlanta?

Many people begin their search for an Atlanta divorce lawyer by searching online with questions like “Who is the best divorce lawyer in Atlanta?” or “Who is the top divorce

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How much does a divorce lawyer cost in Georgia?

How much does a divorce lawyer cost in Georgia? If you’re considering a divorce, then it’s understandable that one of your questions is likely asking how much does a divorce

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Zoom Divorce Mediation in the Time of Coronavirus

I conducted my first virtual mediation last week using Zoom. The parties reached a full binding settlement via email consent of the parties and attorneys. Here are some of my

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Alimony in GA: What You Need to Know

Few know this, but Georgia allows 13 grounds for divorce, one of which is “irretrievably broken,” which is also referred to as a “no fault” ground, while the rest are

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Self-Inflicted Reduced Earning Capacity & Support/Alimony Obligations

The economic recession that was triggered in 2007-2008 took a heavy toll on the economy and still continues to have an impact today. Despite the wide-ranging financial impact, many American

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Can you change your child’s last name in Georgia?

In many of our Georgia custody, legitimation, and paternity cases our law firm is often asked a version of the following. “Can I change my child’s last name?” or “Can

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Where Can I Find Georgia Divorce Records Online

We are often asked where one can find divorce and family law records online? In today’s digital age, many Georgia counties have divorce records online. Some are available for purchase,

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Before you begin a consultation with a divorce lawyer you may be thinking not only what questions to ask the attorney, but what questions the attorney may ask you. It

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What is the average retainer fee for a divorce lawyer in Georgia?

Georgia divorce lawyers will usually require a retainer for representation and the average retainer is in the ballpark of $5,000 to $7,500 if the divorce involves children and property. Some

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Is Georgia a No-Fault State for Divorce?

Our divorce attorneys are often asked whether Georgia is a fault or no-fault state for divorce. The answer is both. In Georgia, you can get a no-fault divorce or a

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