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Author: Benchmark Website Design

Is Georgia a 50 50 divorce state?

No, Georgia is not a 50 50 divorce state. While the result may end up being 50 50, Georgia law does not provide that a divorce division of marital property

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Do Georgia Custody Parenting Plans Have Requirements to be Approved?

Yes, under Georgia law there are several requirements a parenting plan must contain. In Dunn vs. Dunn, a 2023 Georgia Court of Appeals divorce case, it was held that the

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Does It Matter Who Files First in a Divorce in Georgia?

Our law firm’s Atlanta divorce lawyers are often asked if it makes a difference whether you file first for divorce in Georgia. The short answer is yes it can matter.

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Divorce Lawyers Near Me

When searching for the best divorce attorney or attorney for child custody, you may start off by looking for a divorce lawyer nearby. Certainly, a divorce attorney’s office with a

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Can the Judge Interview my Child in a Custody Dispute?

Can the judge talk to my child in my custody case? Will I know what my child told the judge? Can my child request to speak to the judge? These

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Can I date during my divorce?

The attorneys at our law firm are often asked some version of the following questions: Can I date while going through my divorce? When is it ok to start dating

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Who is the best divorce lawyer in Atlanta?

Many people begin their search for an Atlanta divorce lawyer by searching online with questions like “Who is the best divorce lawyer in Atlanta?” or “Who is the top divorce

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Alpharetta Divorce Lawyers

Our top Alpharetta divorce lawyers are frequently referred to as the best divorce lawyers in Alpharetta. When you need an Alpharetta divorce attorney, please know that you can call us

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Can The Court In Georgia Modify My Property Settlement Or Equitable Division From A Final Divorce Decree

The short answer is no. Dating back to at least 1921, with Gilbert v. Gilbert, 151 Ga. 520 (1921), the Court has consistently and repeatedly held that “[w]hile the trial

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What Are Georgia’s Child Custody Relocation Laws? If You Get Divorced In Georgia Can You Move To A Different State With Your Kids?

Georgia custody relocation situations are among the most complex and contentious cases in family law. Our attorneys are often asked the following questions: “If I want to move to another

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