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We believe every client should be aware of their rights and should be encouraged and empowered to pursue these rights. That is what we stand for.

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Divorce Lawyers Near Me

When searching for the best divorce attorney or attorney for child custody, you may start off by looking for a divorce lawyer nearby. Certainly, a divorce attorney’s office with a nearby location may seem preferable for obvious reasons (convenience, familiar with your area, familiarly with your children’s schools, familiarity with the judges in your county), but while their office location is a factor it should not be a determinative one.

In today’s world and with technological advances, you may never have to even go into your divorce attorney’s office for a consultation or even mediation. Our law firm, for example, offers virtual and phone appointments for people who prefer to save travel time (we all know Atlanta traffic) or perhaps they have health limitation or concern that gives them pause about going into an office environment. We have also handled many, many hearing, trials, and depositions over Zoom and similar virtual meeting platforms.

While you certainly should give weight and due consideration to whether or not your attorney is familiar with where you live, your surroundings, your children’s surroundings, and the county where you or your spouse lives, the most important factor probably should be your divorce attorney’s experience in the area of law (such as custody, family law, or divorce) and with your county, jurisdiction, and possible judge. And the physical office location(s) may or may not reflect this experience. If you consult with a divorce lawyer, flat out ask them how often they practice in the jurisdiction and how familiar they are with the judges. And ask how many cases they have had there and what were the outcomes from those cases. You should use the answers to these questions in your decision about to hire more so than if the divorce lawyer nearby just happens to be nearby as a matter of pure coincidence.

Having your lawyer’s physical office location nearby might be a factor, but it shouldn’t be the “end all be all” one given today’s legal landscape and the advancements and conveniences technology such as Zoom offer. If you would like to schedule a Zoom or phone consultation (or prefer to come into our offices in Buckhead or Alpharetta / Roswell area) please don’t hesitate to contact us at 404-816-2004. Our experienced lawyers at Naggiar & Sarif Family Law practice all over the state of Georgia and have appeared in countless counties throughout the metro Atlanta area and throughout Georgia. One of our top rated divorce attorneys will be more than glad to speak with you. 404-816-2004 is our main office line.